Sunday, December 20, 2009

creatures in the dark

6 miles (or so i think) . . .

once again, i forgot to charge my garmin. this has become quite the ritual of hearing the beep to signify the low battery, leaving it on after the run, hoping and trying to remember to plug it in that night, and waking up the next morning with a sudden sting of horror realizing that i've forgotten. a system must be put in place. the idea: keep watch in the bathroom in my little container where my contact case and other toiletries are housed when it needs to be charged, that way, i'll see it there at night and remember to plug it in.

so the plan for this particular, exceedingly dark morning, was to run the mile to the high school and do laps around the track. this way i can hit the exact mileage i need to while getting the added bonus of running on a soft surface. this plan was working out great until i made it to said high school and squeezed through the little chained gate (a lame attempt at keeping unauthorized people out) and i noticed some trash cans knocked over close by. in the dark, i can make out two beady eyes, and a large black shadow creeping behind one of the cans. my mind quickly runs through all the possibilities of this unidentified animal . . . cat, nutria, raccoon, baby cougar with mama close by, black bear cub. i don't stick around long enough to put weight on any one of these theories. i squeeze back through the gate trying to keep an eye on the creature which is now carefully stepping closer towards me and run away, far away, to the grade school and run laps on the mulch path.

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