Thursday, December 10, 2009


tuesday, 15 miles . . .

wednesday, 15 miles . . .

thursday, 15 miles . . .

now this is the strange thing, all of the pains that i had as a result of saturday's long run have been slowly vanishing in the midst of these 15 mile days. this distance at this speed has become such a staple that my body is actually able to heal itself in these what would a year ago been considered back to back to back long runs.

there is however a monotony and a huge mental barrier to overcome. after an hour and forty minute run realizing that i have to wake up and the next day and do it all over again is a tough project for the psyche. it's best just to try and lie to yourself.

wednesday was exceptionally hard in this aspect. it was the coldest day yet and less than a mile into it i was already freezing despite my many layers. then it hit me hard, completely overwhelming me, tempting me to return to the warmth of home. you are going to be cold for the next hour and forty minutes. i tried surging uphills but still i stayed cold. when i got back home, i had not a drop of sweat.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my garsh. No sweat? That is insane!!! 15 miles three days in a row? Insane! I can't eve drive that every day. :) love you, my running ninja.
