Monday, September 7, 2009

i am ready for the storm

this mornings' long run gave me a taste for what the future holds. alarm went off at six and it was still dark. overcast, rain coming down, and cold, the likes of which i haven't seen for several months. decided to put on my arm warmers and gloves which later proved to be a good idea. i suffer from some sort of low circulation in the arms and fingers that is accentuated while running. usually in the winter months i have to wear two gloves (sometimes three) per hand with my fingers still getting cold. after this morning, i started a search on-line for some warmer gloves, possibly even mittens. if i'm going to increase my mileage, i have to find a workable solution.

the run itself was perfect in terms of pace and effort over the course of the two hours. i may try experimenting with two gels for this amount instead of just the one that i took at the hour. i had planned on a course which would take me by four different water fountains but my wife has been having quite a few contractions so i thought it wise to stick closer to the house. the resulted in only one water break and that at the very end of the run. i think i was feeling the effects of it.

i had some minor muscle soreness in the gluets and hamstrings that could be from either the yoga i've been doing this week or just the increase in speed and mileage. although not painful just a bit annoying. still haven't worked out these shin splints though i am getting a bit ahead of them. last couple miles had some minor pain on the right foot on my arch. i worked it out a bit this afternoon with the stick and it feels quite a bit better.

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