Sunday, September 13, 2009

the soreness of it all

two things combined to make this mornings' six mile 'easy run' more difficult than it should have been.

first there was the hills from yesterday. it's strange that different terrains, elevations, and tempos work different muscles in different ways. something about steep downhills that just jack the hips and gluets.

second, forgetting about the simple truth of point one, i neglected stretching. i could sense sitting in church on saturday night that i was getting a little tense there but either forgot it or just got lazy.

paid for it this morning though. i came zipping out of the cul-de-sac as is my custom on my easy days so that i can hit my 7:00 pace early in the run. after a block i look at my watch. 7:35. i pick up the speed. 7:15. this is ridiculous. this is hard. my hips and my gluets are absolutely hating life. i had to push so hard for the whole forty-two minute run. how frustrating is that? the worst part is, i could have prevented it all with just a little more stretching.

if i'm serious about hitting this goal, i have to be serious in all the little things that i know will gradually add up to either my success or failure. like this afternoon for maile's birthday lunch at o.p.h. whereas i usually get the vegetarian omelet and three pancakes, leaving the booth absolutely stuffed, today, i got the two by four (two eggs and four pancakes--whole wheat with granola baked in). i have to mind my diet, my stretching, my icing, my sleep, everything. not let a single thing slide.

this is the path i have chosen. today the cost was a painful six mile run. tomorrow it could be a 2:19:30 marathon instead of a 2:19.

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