in a rain that went from downpour to constant drizzle, forever back and forth. and in this hour and a half only one small moment of relief as i'm running under the freeway. the wind seemed to be blowing into me nearly the whole run, though i doubt that is possible. my arms and fingers were frozen by the end. so begins an oregon winter. low hanging clouds, rain until summer. there are more miserable days. times when i can feel the water sloshing around in my running shoes.
i guess i haven't been through enough of these consecutive days yet because i actually enjoyed this run. i felt strong, rested, and was always under pace. the rain was refreshing and i wished that i didn't have my hat on so i could feel it on my hair, running down my face.
days like these provide me extra motivation. i know that some people shy away from days like these. i imagine that people driving cozily in their cars drinking vanilla lattes heater turned up radio tuned in catch a flash of a psychotic mexican running down the street. i feed off their astonishment.
people ask me 'what do you do when the weather gets bad?'
my answer is always, i run.
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