added a little bit more to my loop. i could have taken a short cut back home and hit pretty close to 13. but i checked myself. then i thought, i could just add a little bit more and round it up to 14. i felt good, i had time, so why not?
it was a cold run. a different cold from a few weeks ago. it felt like january. i remember running last year through the snow and ice storms. that was the feeling in the air.
still really sore everywhere. particularly noticeable in the calves. but just a general weariness in bones that i couldn't seem to shake for the first 5 miles. and then suddenly it was a though a switch was flipped, i had found my zone. it wasn't exactly running nirvana, but it definitely felt better.
before the kids came out, i was standing in the kitchen and i heard a high pitched squeal of some kind. i tried to listen to where it was coming from but then it would stop. so i continued getting my breakfast ready when i heard it again. i realized it was coming from me, somewhere. i listened hard. i took a step and it happened again. it was my left shoe. somehow i popped the airbag cage in the heel while running. sad thing, they still had some life in them. they were my special edition nike milers. fortunately i got them for free. but i did really like them. air was escaping out making the noise as i stood on it. it's funny how we get attached to our running shoes. they are like old friends. you get comfortable with them. you know their little idiosyncrasies. you know what runs they work best for. you form a bond. but you can't keep them forever.
goodbye, my friend.
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