Monday, October 26, 2009


10.14 miles . . .
20 minute warm-up
4 X 200m at 34 seconds with 200m recovery
3 X 1000m at 3:08 with 3 minutes recovery
4 X 200m at 34 seconds with 200m recovery
10 minute cool down

the title of the post says it all. my legs were tired going into this run and they felt tired all the way throughout. though there were some moments of victory.

the first set of 200m felt a little out of control. i hit some good times but i felt more like they were running me then i was running them. not very consistent. sloppy. etc, whatever.

the 1000m's, even though there were only three of them, felt very difficult. i was behind for a second or so much of the run and then tried to kick it in for that last 200m-400m. from somewhere, and i'm still not sure where, i did have that extra kick that pushed me through the first two and i hit under the target time. then came that last one. always that last one. i was cruising along much like those first two, so i wasn't worried. then as i was coming into that last 200m, i thought, okay now is the time to put in your kick and finish this off. mentally, i was there. desire was there. but the kick was not. i was out of gears. my legs were rebelling against me. i only ended up 28 hundredths of a second slower than the goal, so i guess it isn't terrible. however, as i look over my times, i realize that i got progressively slower and i'm convinced had mr. daniels prescribed four 1000m's instead of three, i would have definitely failed.

after pushing myself, dragging myself, huffing and puffing through these repeats, i thought that i would have nothing left for the second set of 200m's. yet this group felt more controlled than the first ones.

also at the track was a middle aged fellow that i've talked with a few times. he has to run under a certain time for two miles for some sort of army qualification. he was there with a pacer, a timer, and for the final two laps a guy dressed in camouflage. he sprinted for that last bit and then collapsed. i don't think he hit his goal. i felt bad for shooting by him during my 200m repeats. while getting water before my 1000m repeats i was talking with the timer. he asked me how fast i could do 2 miles. i said i wasn't sure. he said how about just one. i made a guess. he said that was *expletive* fast. i laughed and said thanks. i should have taken that opportunity to share CHRIST with him. to tell him that HE is the reason i run fast. but i was waiting for something, or just thought it was the wrong time, or for him to ask how i got fast.

i must take these opportunities.

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