Friday, November 27, 2009

exceptionally unexceptional

13 miles . . .

a run without anything exceptional happening. which in and of itself is exceptional because it has been one week and one day since the s.n.s. surgery. so to have nothing truly tragic or monumental happen on a 13 mile run where i hit an average of 6:42 is wondrous. it's funny how those little doubts began to hit you in times of rest but it feels like i didn't lose any of my fitness. not to say that this was an easy run. rather it was a constant see saw between ease and minor discomfort. much of the way it felt a week ago.

some of my minor aches which were gone yesterday started creeping back in slowly throughout this run. particularly my left inner thigh and the bottom of my right foot. but only slightly.

i started late enough to miss all of the morning rain and actually near the end the sun broke through the thin layer of grey.

on the very last mile, i saw someone i went to college with and see at the coffee shop from time to time because he started dating one of the barristas. this is the third time i've seen him running in the past week. he use to be a soccer player but now has moved to the only true sport left.

one more day left and then the base building begins for the eugene marathon.

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