yesterday was supposed to be a longer run somewhere around 15 miles. yesterday was also supposed to be my last run before the s.n.s surgery in the afternoon. so i woke up, got out of bed, ate, went to the bathroom, and even got all dressed up in my beloved tights, bright orange top, and shoes. i believe that my hat was even on too. that is when i realized that i had forgotten to charge my garmin from yesterday. no problem, i would just run without. then i noticed the light on in my kids' room. they were already up and playing on the floor, though they hadn't opened up the door yet, which my daughter does about one billion times every morning slamming the door, much too my wife's dismay. then i thought about the run. i felt tired in my legs. tired in general. and then i had this thought, today could be the last day in the next four months that i could actually willfully skip a run. and all the signs seemed to be pointing to it.
so i took off all my running stuff, went into the kids' room and we watched t.v. this is when the final sign was revealed to me that i should not have run that morning. we watched sid the science kid on o.p.b. he was getting a flu vaccination and was talking about all the science behind why we need them. this was the perfect episode for my daughter who was getting one today and was vehemently against it. they sang a song about it and kept repeating this little adage "it hurts for a little, but helps a lot." however, none of this really changed the fact that when she actually got the shot she held the door shut, kicked her legs, flailed her arms, and screamed a deathly scream that embarrassed my wife and confounded the friend that went with her to help. on a positive note, she said that if anyone ever tries to snatch my daughter, she won't go quietly. but in retrospect, i wonder if the show did help. maybe this was her tamed down version.
so now i've been in bed for nearly twenty-four hours, mainly keeping up on this blog and watching studio 60 on the sunset strip on hulu. i haven't gotten restless yet from this sedentary life. and the extra sleep has helped out a bunch. though when the itch to go out for a run overpowers me, i shall be miserable.
for now i will enjoy the life of a non-runner. though i am wearing my tights for support.
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