Sunday, November 8, 2009

i'm back

the weather did not mirror my running today. a complete downpour for over half of the run. dark, gloomy, just another day like many we have here. but my running was epic. i easily stayed under (quite a bit under at times) of my easy pace. never had to really push at all. nothing was sore, nothing ached. mentally a breeze. i would have loved to tack more miles on at the end but i needed to shower, eat, and get ready to teach this morning, so i kept it at as planned (though with that extra .1 mile because i got lost in the run).

two factors to consider for this sudden change. first, since i taught last night, i was no longer stressed about my message. it was done and sure i had to teach two other times but the anxiety i feel before i deliver a message for the first time vanishes as soon as i teach. second, i rolled out my muscles fairly exhaustively last night with the stick. i found a good method of hitting my hamstrings and found a nasty little bundle of tension on my left one that i worked out to the point of tears.

whatever it is, it's good to be running free, light, and smooth once again. all of these little dips and rises keeps me on edge. right where a runner belongs.

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